No results were found that matched the keywords: web-based application.
  • Automatic transcription with time stamps: the gamechanger in market research and interviewing

    Automatic transcription with time stamps: the gamechanger in market research and interviewing 2022/ 29/07 Marked timestamps in the text generated by speech recognition software means matching the...
  • Improve user experience through voice controlled chatbots

    Improve user experience through voice controlled chatbots 2018/ 22/01 Many companies have already recognised the importance of chatbots, because you can provide a faster and simpler service for...
  • The rise of chatbots: Changing the way of doing business

    The rise of chatbots: Changing the way of doing business 2019/ 02/07 Chatbots are the future for businesses to succeed through bringing new ways of building customer interaction and marketing....
  • CORSENET press conference

    CORSENET press conference 2013/03/05 Sajtótájékoztató keretében mutattuk be CORSENET projektünket a budapesti Hotel Aquincumban, melyen a sajtó képviselőin túl partnerszervezetek és a Régens...
  • WebSense

    WebSense Facility monitoring system based on smart sensor technology and active RFID Facility monitoring system based on smart sensor technology...
  • Finance

    Finance In 2013 Régens entered into the VAT factoring sector by developing a system which supports the whole administrative process from contracting through refund...
  • 2012

    2012 JABIL decides to implement Régens' customs solution and integrate it into its supply chain processes. Régens launches a new eHealth project called FIT-TEST, aiming to measure physical...
  • Smart Enterprise

    Smart Enterprise Smart enterprise solutions have revolutionised the way we think about data processing within a company. Our applications integrated to your existing ERP...
  • Cloud computing trends for 2020 and how companies can prepare for them

    Cloud computing trends for 2020 and how companies can prepare for them 2019/ 18/11 Cloud computing was one of the key technologies defining great progress over the last decade, but we can say it is...
  • How AI revolutionizes the way we solve logistics problems

    How AI revolutionizes the way we solve logistics problems 2019/ 08/05 The current AI wave of hype is quite different from the previous ones: technological, business and societal conditions have...