No results were found that matched the keywords: web-based application.
  • Building Cyber Resilience: Safeguarding Business Continuity in the Digital Age

    Building Cyber Resilience: Safeguarding Business Continuity in the Digital Age 2024/ 17/01 In an era where digital transformation and technological advancements are integral to business operations,...
  • Top 10 Cyber Threats That SMEs Can't Ignore - Part 1

    Top 10 Cyber Threats That SMEs Can't Ignore - Part 1 2024/ 15/01 In today’s modern world, businesses are presented with increasingly more opportunities to expand, innovate, and challenge larger...
  • OpenAI unveiled its latest creation, a new generative photorealistic AI tool: Sora

    OpenAI unveiled its latest creation, a new generative photorealistic AI tool: Sora 2024/ 21/02 Late last week, the artificial intelligence research powerhouse OpenAI unveiled its latest creation...
  • Fejlesztő gyakornok (Szeged)

    This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content. This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content.
    Fejlesztő gyakornok (Szeged) Folyamatos növekedésünkkel összhangban keresünk Fejlesztő gyakornok munkatársat. Csatlakozz hozzánk Te is, amennyiben: szeretnél egy fiatal és dinamikus csapat tagja...
  • Blockchain, Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies? – we took part in the first B-Day Conference

    Blockchain, Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies? – we took part in the first B-Day Conference 2018/02/02 On 30 January 2018, the first (and maybe the biggest) blockchain conference in Hungary was held at...
  • 5+1 steps to success in the sharing economy

    5+1 steps to success in the sharing economy 2016/ 04/11 According to PwC's research released in 2014, sharing economy sectors could potentially generate global revenues of around $335bn by 2025....
  • Bank of the future: how the financial sector can apply artificial intelligence to reach exceptional customer experience

    Bank of the future: how the financial sector can apply artificial intelligence to reach exceptional customer experience 2020/ 13/02 Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing every industry and...
  • The Imperative of Password Security and Multi-Factor Authentication

    The Imperative of Password Security and Multi-Factor Authentication 2024/ 06/03 In today's digitally driven world, the importance of password security is greater than ever, given its safeguarding...
  • Frontend fejlesztő gyakornok

    This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content. This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content.
    Frontend fejlesztő gyakornok   Szeretnél egy innovatív tech cégnél elhelyezkedni? A Régensnél izgalmas szakmai projekteken dolgozhatsz, a legújabb technológiákat alkalmazva. Professzionalizmuson...
  • Medior React fejlesztő

    This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content. This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content.
    Medior React fejlesztő   Szeretnél egy innovatív tech cégnél elhelyezkedni? A Régensnél izgalmas szakmai projekteken dolgozhatsz, a legújabb technológiákat alkalmazva. Professzionalizmuson alapuló,...
  • Már elérhető a GINOP 3.2.2 pályázat

    This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content. This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content.
    Már elérhető a GINOP 3.2.2 pályázat 2017. jan. 5. Fejlessze vállalkozását egy új, modern szoftverrel! A GINOP 3.2.2 pályázat keretein belül cége támogatást kaphat vállalati komplex...
  • Távoktatási útmutató

    Távoktatási útmutató A 2020. március 16-tól életbe lépő távoktatás technológai támogatására felajánlottuk az általunk kifejlesztett mesterséges intelligencia alapú beszédfelismerő megoldásunk...
  • First steps towards digital transformation

    First steps towards digital transformation 2018/ 07/12 Only a part of digital transformation applies to business, but the fastest and largest revolution is expected in this field. This process can...
  • Von manuelle Dateneingabe bis zum völlig automatisierten Anmeldungen

    This result comes from the German version of this content. This result comes from the German version of this content.
    Von manuelle Dateneingabe bis zum völlig automatisierten Anmeldungen Sitemap Welche EKAER-Leistungen können gewählt werden? Kostenlose EKAER Testzugang EKAER Comm als Software as a Service-Lösung...
  • What to expect from Artificial Intelligence in 2018

    What to expect from Artificial Intelligence in 2018 2018/ 19/03 2018 can be the year of innovation: the year has just begun, but you can hear about such technological innovations as launching a car...
  • Chrome Extensions Every Business Owner Should Try

    Chrome Extensions Every Business Owner Should Try 2023/ 28/08 Chrome extensions have been a game-changer in increasing productivity for businesses. Simply put, they are small software add-ons that...
  • The 5 golden rules when you want to make a chatbot

    The 5 golden rules when you want to make a chatbot 2017/ 28/04 Chatbots are getting popular: hundreds of websites and webshops are already using them, plus now they are also available for the...
  • The NIS2 Directive

    The NIS2 Directive 2024/ 11/03 The NIS2 Directive is an enhanced version of the EU's cybersecurity measures adopted in 2022, aiming for a higher level of cybersecurity in critical sectors. As such,...
  • Tapasztalataink a HWSW mobile! konferenciáról

    This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content. This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content.
    Tapasztalataink a HWSW mobile! konferenciáról 2017. dec. 5. 2017. november 29-30-án már hetedszerre került megrendezésre a HWSW mobile! mobiltermék fejlesztési, fintech és IoT konferencia, melyen...