No results were found that matched the keywords: logisztika--logistik.
  • Logistics and technology - trends for 2018

    Logistics and technology - trends for 2018 2017/ 24/10 A technológiai fejlődést megjósolni mindig nagy kihívás, hiszen egyes ágazatok rekord sebességgel fejlődnek, mások (a kedvező feltételek...
  • Summary of Transport Logistic 2019

    Summary of Transport Logistic 2019 2019/12/06 Cégünk első alkalommal vett részt Münchenben a 2 évente megrendezésre kerülő Transport Logistic kiállításon. A nemzetközi kiállításon kis számban...

    FLUID-WIN FP7 Pénzügyi, logisztikai és gyártási integrálás web-alapú hálózaton keresztül A projekt célkitűzése, hogy három éves időtartam alatt egy olyan új B2B alkalmazás prototípusát hozza létre,...
  • Transport Logistic 2019 - Let’s meet in Munich

    Transport Logistic 2019 - Let’s meet in Munich 2019/29/05 Jövő héten elkezdődik Európa vezető logisztikai rendezvénye. Már csak egy hét van hátra az idei Transport Logistic logisztikai szakvásárig,...
  • New Cross-Border Project for companies in logistics

    New Cross-Border Project for companies in logistics 2012/30/10 Régens, along with our Polish-coordinated consortium, starts a project that integrates partners from Italy, Germany, Austria, and...
  • Blockchain: past, present and future

    Blockchain: past, present and future 2018/ 03/04 A Bitcoin mögött rejlő blockchain-technológia a mai napig sok kérdést vet fel. Reméljük, cikkünk segítségével választ adhatunk minden kérdésre a...
  • Logistics in the time of e-commerce

    Logistics in the time of e-commerce 2018/ 05/03 The time of traditional logistics is over: e-commerce has transformed this field completely as well. What are the most important changes, and how can...
  • Supply Chain Management

    Supply Chain Management Seamless. Secure. Flexible. Whether you operate a large warehouse or need to transport your products from A to B, SCM decisions have an impact on all aspects of your...
  • Challenges and new solutions in logistics

    Challenges and new solutions in logistics 2017/ 20/07 In the recent years, a number of new, disruptive solutions have emerged in the field of logistics, which have challenged every participant on...
  • How does Big Data save logistics?

    How does Big Data save logistics? 2017/ 08/08 If anyone doubts the usefulness of Big Data in logistics, it can be easily demonstrated with one of the well-known examples: UPS drivers (almost) never...
  • A logisztika és az Ipar 4.0 lehetőségeit vizsgáltuk az MLBKT Kongresszuson tartott

    This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content. This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content.
    A logisztika és az Ipar 4.0 lehetőségeit vizsgáltuk az MLBKT Kongresszuson tartott előadásunkon 2018. nov. 19. A Magyar Logisztikai, Beszerzési és Készletezési Társaság...
  • How AI revolutionizes the way we solve logistics problems

    How AI revolutionizes the way we solve logistics problems 2019/ 08/05 The current AI wave of hype is quite different from the previous ones: technological, business and societal conditions have...
  • MLBKT Kongresszuson: Fókuszban a Logisztika 4.0

    This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content. This result comes from the Hungarian version of this content.
    Előadunk a 26. MLBKT Kongresszuson: Fókuszban a Logisztika 4.0 2018. nov. 7. A Magyar Logisztikai, Beszerzési és Készletezési Társaság ebben az évben is megrendezi az év...
  • 2005

    2005 Régens presents 'Mobility in Logistics from the Service Provider's Point of View' at the ICE AMI@work Forum Day in München. Régens launches the WebSense research project, which applies...
  • 2017

    2017 We have launched our NAV integration solutions which aims to provide an easy-to-use interface and reliable technology in order to process and electronically submit the data available in the...
  • Innovation consulting

    Innovation consulting Innovation is about creating value First, just consider the benefits of digital innovation at your company. Imagine the impact that adapting new approaches, new business...
  • Complex Logistics Portal solution for Transdanubia Logistics Ltd.

    Complex Logistics Portal solution for Transdanubia Logistics Ltd. Partner: Transdanubia Logisztikai Ltd. Domain Logistics Technologies Angular, Java, Oracle, MySQL, custom interface, .NET Régens...
  • 10 tech blog posts you need to read in 2017

    10 tech blog posts you need to read in 2017 2017/ 27/12 Technology is everywhere. It is our passion to bring you the best tech trends as well as great tips and tools relating to everything digital....
  • E-commerce and last mile delivery: what’s in store for us?

    E-commerce and last mile delivery: what’s in store for us? 2018/ 05/01 Online commerce is becoming more and more widespread. A crucial part of e-commerce is the delivery of the goods. How does...
  • 7 advice for a simplified and faster EKAER submission

    7 advice for a simplified and faster EKAER submission 2017/ 08/09 Is it too time-consuming for you to perform EKAER submissions? Following our 7 advices below, you can easily simplify your...
  • 2007

    2007 AVON, Schenker, Hankook and Flextronics implement Régens' Custom[R]s solution, integrated into their existing ERP systems. Régens presents its experience about the FP7 RTD Projects in Hungary...
  • IaaS cloud infrastructure for AVON

    IaaS cloud infrastructure for AVON Cloud services A Régens IaaS felhő szolgáltatás keretében teljes informatikai infrastruktúrát és szakértői hátteret biztosít az AVON Cosmetics magyarországi...
  • Data visualisaton - because Big Data is useless unless you can understand it

    Data visualisaton - because Big Data is useless unless you can understand it 2017/ 17/04 We have been aware of the significance of Big Data for a while: if you collect the enough amount of data,...
  • Customized SLS Solution with Customs Compliance for Siemens Plc.

    Customized SLS Solution with Customs Compliance for Siemens Plc. Partner: Siemens Plc. Domain Custom solution Technologies PowerBuilder, Oracle, Angular Siemens Plc. dispatched Régens to create a...
  • Internet-based Vehicle Tracking System for Hödlmayr AG

    Internet-based Vehicle Tracking System for Hödlmayr AG Partner: Hödlmayr Logistics Hungária Ltd. Domain Logistics Technologies C#, DB2, .NET, JSP Régens created a unique GPS tracking solution for...
  • Bespoke software development in the logistics sector

    Bespoke software development in the logistics sector Régens has more than twenty years of experience in solving the challenges faced by logistics businesses, supply chain providers, warehouse...
  • Blockchain Technology: Revolutionizing Real-World Applications Part 2.

    Blockchain Technology: Revolutionizing Real-World Applications Part 2. 2024/ 19/02 In last week's article, we delved into the transformative power of blockchain technology, uncovering its diverse...
  • 2008

    2008 Régens begins its flagship innovation project, SMARTNET, establishing a new technology platform for web and mobile developments. Wincanton and Diebold applies Custom[R]s tool for their...
  • 2006

    2006 Caterpillar implements Régens' Custom[R]s solution for its customs clearance operations. Régens starts its first FP6 research project FLUID-WIN in the domain of interoperability along the...
  • 2010

    2010 SMARTNET is named one of the best 25 Innovations of the Year at the Innovation Techshow and HiTech Pub. A significant railway company, GYSEV implements Régens' warehouse management and freight...