No results were found that matched the keywords: logistics.
  • Customized SLS Solution with Customs Compliance for Siemens Plc.

    Customized SLS Solution with Customs Compliance for Siemens Plc. Partner: Siemens Plc. Domain Custom solution Technologies PowerBuilder, Oracle, Angular Siemens Plc. dispatched Régens to create a...
  • Complex Logistics Portal solution for Transdanubia Logistics Ltd.

    Complex Logistics Portal solution for Transdanubia Logistics Ltd. Partner: Transdanubia Logisztikai Ltd. Domain Logistics...
  • Internet-based Vehicle Tracking System for Hödlmayr AG

    Internet-based Vehicle Tracking System for Hödlmayr AG Partner: Hödlmayr Logistics Hungária Ltd. Domain Logistics Technologies C#, DB2, .NET, JSP...
  • Logistics in the time of e-commerce

    Logistics in the time of e-commerce 2018/ 05/03 The time of traditional logistics is over: e-commerce has transformed this field completely as...
  • Automation across value chain - transforming the ways of managing logistics and supply

    Automation across value chain - transforming the ways of managing logistics and supply chain 2019/ 02/08 Automation of repetitive tasks fosters achieving better results in...
  • Challenges and new solutions in logistics

    Challenges and new solutions in logistics 2017/ 20/07 In the recent years, a number of new, disruptive solutions have emerged in the field of...
  • Tailored Process Control Solution for Versteijnen

    Tailored Process Control Solution for Versteijnen Partner: Versteijnen Logistics Ltd. Domain Custom solution Technologies custom interface Versteijnen came to Régens...
  • New Cross-Border Project for companies in logistics

    New Cross-Border Project for companies in logistics 2012/30/10 Régens, along with our Polish-coordinated consortium, starts a project that integrates partners from Italy,...
  • Logistics and technology - trends for 2018

    Logistics and technology - trends for 2018 2017/ 24/10 A technológiai fejlődést megjósolni mindig nagy kihívás, hiszen egyes ágazatok rekord sebességgel fejlődnek, mások (a...
  • Win tickets to Transport Logistic 2019!

    Win tickets to Transport Logistic 2019! 2019/07/05 Vegyen részt velünk a 2019. június 4-től 7-ig megrendezésre kerülő Transport Logistic...
  • How does Big Data save logistics?

    How does Big Data save logistics? 2017/ 08/08 If anyone doubts the usefulness of Big Data in logistics, it can be easily demonstrated with one of...
  • Announcement of the results of Transport Logistic 2019 sweepstake

    Announcement of the results of Transport Logistic 2019 sweepstake 2019/20/05 Kisorsoltuk a „Nyerjen jegyet a Transport Logistic 2019 kiállításra!”...
  • Integration at the central logistics system of DHL Express

    Integration at the central logistics system of DHL Express Partner: DHL Express Hungary Ltd. Domain System integration Technologies .NET, Java, PowerBuilder, Oracle, AS400...
  • How AI revolutionizes the way we solve logistics problems

    How AI revolutionizes the way we solve logistics problems 2019/ 08/05 The current AI wave of hype is quite different from the previous ones: technological, business and...
  • Bespoke software development in the logistics sector

    Bespoke software development in the logistics sector Régens has more than twenty years of experience in solving the challenges faced by logistics...
  • How AI revolutionizes the way we solve logistics problems

    How AI revolutionizes the way we solve logistics problems 2020/ 27/01 The current AI wave of hype is quite different from the previous ones: technological, business and...
  • Summary of Transport Logistic 2019

    Summary of Transport Logistic 2019 2019/12/06 Cégünk első alkalommal vett részt Münchenben a 2 évente megrendezésre kerülő Transport Logistic...
  • LogiStock

    LogiStock Warehouse management and logistics The expert system of Régens Zrt. is based on the actual market demands. In the field of warehouse management and...
  • Transport Logistic 2019 - Let’s meet in Munich

    Transport Logistic 2019 - Let’s meet in Munich 2019/29/05 Jövő héten elkezdődik Európa vezető logisztikai rendezvénye. Már csak egy hét van hátra az idei Transport...
  • System integration ref

    System integration ref Integration at the central logistics system of DHL Express Within this project we created a strong integration between the central...
  • SaaS cloud service for Gondrand

    SaaS cloud service for Gondrand Partner: Gondrand Kft. Domain Cloud services Technologies AWS, MySQL, Oracle, PowerBuilder NTG Gondrand Ltd. and Régens Plc. are traditional partners with more than...
  • Improving warehouse management process for GYSEV CARGO

    Improving warehouse management process for GYSEV CARGO Partner: GYSEV CARGO Plc. Domain Logistics Technologies PowerBuilder, Oracle, SAP integration, .NET, barcode scanner...
  • WEBSCM solution at Gondrand

    WEBSCM solution at Gondrand Partner: Gondrand Kft. Domain Logistics Technologies Java, Angular, PowerBuilder, MySQL, Oracle The pronounced goal of the cooperation between Régens and Gondrand Kft....
  • 2006

    2006 Caterpillar implements Régens' Custom[R]s solution for its customs clearance operations. Régens starts its first FP6 research project FLUID-WIN in the domain of interoperability along the...
  • CLARE premiere at Transport Complet GO 2018 exhibition

    CLARE premiere at Transport Complet GO 2018 exhibition 2018/12/09 From September 4th to 6th we took part at Transport Compleet 2018 exhibition, which is one of the largest...
  • 10 tech blog posts you need to read in 2017

    10 tech blog posts you need to read in 2017 2017/ 27/12 Technology is everywhere. It is our passion to bring you the best tech trends as well as great tips and tools relating to everything digital....
  • 2003

    2003 Régens develops a GPS-based vehicle tracking system for Hödlmayr, Austria’s largest vehicle logistics service provider. The system is put into operation across eight...
  • Supply Chain Management

    Supply Chain Management Seamless. Secure. Flexible. Whether you operate a large warehouse or need to transport your products from A to B, SCM decisions have an impact on all aspects of your...
  • Distribution

    Distribution Implementation of domestic freight distribution tasks The distribution module of Régens logistics systems enables continuous monitoring of customer orders from...
  • 2007

    2007 AVON, Schenker, Hankook and Flextronics implement Régens' Custom[R]s solution, integrated into their existing ERP systems. Régens presents its experience about the FP7 RTD Projects in Hungary...
  • CLARE: See you in the Netherlands!

    CLARE: See you in the Netherlands! 2018/30/08 In the first week of September, Régens participates as an exhibitor at the Transport Compleet GO 2018 event, which is one of the largest...
  • RFStock

    RFStock Our solution for speeding up the warehouse process: RFSTOCK, the barcode scanner system from Régens Régens always keeps in mind the needs of Customers and increases the efficiency of their...
  • E-commerce and last mile delivery: what’s in store for us?

    E-commerce and last mile delivery: what’s in store for us? 2018/ 05/01 Online commerce is becoming more and more widespread. A crucial part of e-commerce is the delivery of the goods. How does...
  • A world where 80% of parcels are delivered by autonomous vehicles

    A world where 80% of parcels are delivered by autonomous vehicles 2018/ 12/03 This could be the title of a futuristic novel – but it is not. The first tests are already in progress with...
  • Report Manager

    Report Manager Management information system - get better insights!   Régens offers management support systems for companies involved in customs clearance and logistics...
  • Expertise menu

    Passionate about logistics, industry 4 or finance? Our software solutions will transform this passion into a mission.
  • 1995

    1995 Régens designs and implements an application that ensures TIR Insurance Management with all related back office processes for the Association of Hungarian Road Hauliers.
  • Sweepstake terms, conditions and privacy policy

    Sweepstake terms, conditions and privacy policy Please, read the following rules carefully, which covers the terms, conditions and privacy policy of “Win tickets to Transport...
  • Versenyszabályzat és a versenyhez kapcsolódó adatkezelési tájékoztató

    Versenyszabályzat és a versenyhez kapcsolódó adatkezelési tájékoztató Tisztelettel kérjük, hogy figyelmesen olvassa el ezt a versenyszabályzatot, mely a Régens Zrt. (székhely: 1117 Budapest,...
  • 2005

    2005 Régens presents 'Mobility in Logistics from the Service Provider's Point of View' at the ICE AMI@work Forum Day in München. Régens launches the WebSense research...
  • 2008

    2008 Régens begins its flagship innovation project, SMARTNET, establishing a new technology platform for web and mobile developments. Wincanton and Diebold applies Custom[R]s tool for their...
  • 2018

    2018 In 2018, the NTCA online data regulation entered into force. We have launched Régens VATapp software solution to support legal compliance, which forwards the required invoice information to...
  • 2016

    2016 Within the framework of a Széchenyi 2020 project, we started to develop a new customs software which will enable customs management all over the EU, regardless of country borders. We plan to...
  • Product lifecycle tracking Joomla-based web application development for Mandelay Ltd.

    Product lifecycle tracking Joomla-based web application development for Mandelay Ltd. Partner: Mandelay Ltd. Domain Custom solution Technologies Joomla Mandelay Ltd. came to Régens looking for a...
  • 2017

    2017 We have launched our NAV integration solutions which aims to provide an easy-to-use interface and reliable technology in order to process and electronically submit the data available in the...
  • 7 advice for a simplified and faster EKAER submission

    7 advice for a simplified and faster EKAER submission 2017/ 08/09 Is it too time-consuming for you to perform EKAER submissions? Following our 7 advices below, you can easily simplify your...
  • Innovation consulting

    Innovation consulting Innovation is about creating value First, just consider the benefits of digital innovation at your company. Imagine the impact that adapting new approaches, new business...
  • Data visualisaton - because Big Data is useless unless you can understand it

    Data visualisaton - because Big Data is useless unless you can understand it 2017/ 17/04 We have been aware of the significance of Big Data for a while: if you collect the enough amount of data,...
  • EKAER Comm

    EKAER Comm COMMUNICATION SOFTWARE FOR EKAER DECLARATIONS Sitemap What is EKAER? Who should apply for EAKER? Do you prefer automatised EKAER notification? Why choose EKAER Comm? Service packages...
  • Blockchain Technology: Revolutionizing Real-World Applications Part 2.

    Blockchain Technology: Revolutionizing Real-World Applications Part 2. 2024/ 19/02 In last week's article, we delved into the transformative power of blockchain technology, uncovering its diverse...
  • Add IoT data to your ERP and see what happens!

    Add IoT data to your ERP and see what happens! 2016/ 10/03 The Internet of Things has become a major trend in 2015 and is expected to grow even further to a taggering realm of 50 billion things...
  • Chatbot development: OneReach solutions

    Chatbot development: OneReach solutions We are approved consulting and services partner of Chatbots are getting popular: hundreds of websites and webshops are already using them. Are you planning...
  • How to increase enterprise/business efficiency with artificial intelligence?

    How to increase enterprise/business efficiency with artificial intelligence? 2020/ 10/03 Artificial intelligence now has a wide range of applications, from chatbots working on customer service to...
  • The advantages of a hybrid solution: cloud or local infrastructure?

    The advantages of a hybrid solution: cloud or local infrastructure? 2023/ 11/09 The world of IT is constantly evolving, and for many companies and organisations, one of the most important decisions...
  • Digital transformation - Technological trends that will define our future

    Digital transformation - Technological trends that will define our future 2019/ 25/06 Since technological innovations continue to determine our everyday lives, digital technology turned to be the...
  • Should we fear our jobs from technological takeover?

    Should we fear our jobs from technological takeover? 2019/ 15/08 Utilizing AI and other technologies in business processes is a “double-edged sword”. Deploying new technologies accompanies great...
  • 8 criteria for selecting the appropriate customs clearance software

    8 criteria for selecting the appropriate customs clearance software 2018/ 26/09 Have you thought about managing all your customs clearance procedures - regardless of the place/location of the...
  • Greening the Future: Top AI Strategies for the IT Industry

    Greening the Future: Top AI Strategies for the IT Industry 2023/ 19/07 Climate change and sustainability are major global concerns that require immediate attention and action. As the world becomes...

    FLUID-WIN FP7 Pénzügyi, logisztikai és gyártási integrálás web-alapú hálózaton keresztül A projekt célkitűzése, hogy három éves időtartam alatt egy olyan új B2B alkalmazás prototípusát hozza létre,...

    INFORMATION ABOUT DATA PROCESSING We kindly ask you to read carefully this information about data processing, in which our company informs its website visitors about processing and protecting data,...