No results were found that matched the keywords: national transport authority.
  • Smart City know-how – why and how?

    Smart City know-how – why and how? 2018/ 13/02 The concept of smart cities have become more and more important nowadays from many aspects, such as innovation, environment, and development. Where...
  • 7 advice for a simplified and faster EKAER submission

    7 advice for a simplified and faster EKAER submission 2017/ 08/09 Is it too time-consuming for you to perform EKAER submissions? Following our 7 advices below, you can easily simplify your...
  • System integration ref

    System integration ref Integration at the central logistics system of DHL Express Within this project we created a strong integration between the central logistics system of DHL Express and Régens...
  • How does Big Data save logistics?

    How does Big Data save logistics? 2017/ 08/08 If anyone doubts the usefulness of Big Data in logistics, it can be easily demonstrated with one of the well-known examples: UPS drivers (almost) never...
  • NAV online invoice system integration - Régens VATapp

    NAV online invoice system integration - Régens VATapp Régens Invoicing programme Main functions: Issuing unique and continuous invoices Continuous maintenance of billing strains Tax...