Tailored Process Control Solution for Versteijnen
Tailored Process Control Solution for Versteijnen

Versteijnen Logistics Ltd.
Custom solution
custom interface
Versteijnen came to Régens looking for a sophisticated software solution to handle their logistics operations - specifically identifying, cataloguing, and tracking various raw materials and components - and relaying this information to customs authorities.
Ever since the beginning, Régens has reacted quickly to our needs with a customer oriented approach, which allows us to adapt without delay to the continuously changing market demands..
András Őszy
Operations Manager
Versteijnen Logistics Ltd.
Uncoordinated business administration processes resulting in inefficient management of stock, data deadlock, and fractured communications across the supply chain.
Régens implements a comprehensive IT solution to streamline administrative processes and customs procedures including accounting, inventory management, transport coordination, and customs operations/reporting.
Régens was able to successfully introduce a complex business administration system resulting in improved service quality, reduced order processing time, and increased communication with business partners.